#dessrts in glasses
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passionateaboutbaking · 1 year ago
Blue Matcha Dessert Shot ... in love with dreamy, delicious dessert
Blue Matcha Dessert Shot…  A dessert as light as a cloud, one that teases the palette with so many textures and flavours, it’s delicious! There’s something so calming about this pretty blue, and the slight earthy, moorish undertones are very pleasant. This butterfly pea powder has had me smitten for a while and it’s not difficult to see why … They say sipping blue tea is very soothing because…
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valgasnewsthings · 3 years ago
By Russian healing book, by Kurennov.
 Chronic bronchitis, alternative cure.
A cure with a pig s  lard of net  bowels, this net put in pot, put in warm in not hot oven, or light fire as from net secreting a lard, and such melting lard in other dish, cold. And use one dessrt sp. for glass of milk, drink on gulps... And for rubbinng in breast you need add his in turpentine, and rub in breast till a dryness.
In children s cough.
Chop radish on cubes , add in pot,add sugar, bake in oven for two hours, filter, liquid filter in bottle, use two tea.sp.  for 4 times/day before meal and before sleep.
Russian, Brasilian remedy against cough.
A cut are 6 radish, sprinkle a sugar, in half daus a displaying juice sugar, and use one tbl.sp. every hour, and healers share,that a most hard cough healing within a short time.
And Brasilian usse ripe bananas, and to mince meat, after add in pot with hot water as two bananas for one cup of water with sugar, and warm,drink.
A village remedies in cough.
Long breast cough against  with a breast rub of dry woollen fabric, after rub in till dryness a nutrition lard or melted oil, and add slowly pine oil to lard, which a better, than a cow oil.
Take rye, oats, barley, add chicory, and 2 gr of cleaned almond, and drink it,like coffee, as with hot melted milk.
Boiled juice of turnip with sugar or honey  ,better with honey, are benefit in healing breast aches and against cough and cough.
And chop, boil  are ten heads onion, one garlic head in non-pasteurized milk till theirs softness. Add  juice of alehoov ivy, or calling dog s mint, and use one tbl.sp. /hour within all day.
Inka drink is from Poland is  ready offering with cereals, you can buy his and mix with grinded fried almond, drink with creams or milk.
A gogol-mogol of yolks of egg shaken with rum, and sugar, helps good in cough, if eat on an empty stomach.
Juice of radish,add in carrot juice ,add milk, or honey drink, as half of juice and half of milk, or honey drink, use one tbl.sp. for 6 times/day.
Not pasteurized milk fresh, butter oil, two egg yolks, one tea.sp. millet flour, two tea.sp. honey. Use one tea.sp. within a few times/day.
And on spring cough drink fresh birch juice or of maple with milk.
Dry cough in use syrup of cranberry with sugar or honey, and one tbl.sp. very often , and for drink here use fresh tea of field strawberry.
As in long, chronic cough a fabric size, like a palm, spread with boot var  and attack to spine between are shoulder blades, every three days change on new compress.
Against gout are two good remedies.
And not curing gout on acuting process, just acute process need to leave you, after add cure. A best cure are bees bites, one German s brewed cured gout such, as his gout has been very hard, that lied in bed for 5 days, after three bites he avoided for all from gout. And healers advices , that in boiled butter oil removing foam, add wine spirit, burn this , and give for spirit to burn out. And remaining mass is the best cure against gout, and rubbing this remedy doing in close to fire as in hot, or oven, fireplace, or  bonfire. 
Against corns as old remedy.
Stew leg in hot water before sleep, rub till dryness and fix to corn a peel of lemon with a lemon pulp on this peel. A cut small hump of lemon, in 5 days corn will remove.
Onion peel wet in vinegar within 2 weeks, apply on corn a peel on 1/60 inch and attach to all night, and repeat a few times, and corns remove.
 A remove fish bone from bone.
A melting one candle end of wax, and faster attaching to a sticking out end of bone. And in half min. wax will freeze, and bone in his fixing and easy removing with candle.
Neuralgia method cure.
  And on attack time a hard-boiled egg hot and cut on halves and both halves apply to place, where feeling strong hurt, when egg cools, ache will stop and neuralgia for long time will not worry you, and this remedy used within many years.
 Against appetite bad, forces lost.
Eat shredding radish within a few times a day, and use one tbl.sp. of water, and swallow 30 seeds of mustard for 1-2 times/day and drink with water, and gastrontestine diseases in, mustard is effective cure, if you are using her within 20 and more days, and mustard need to use a fresh, as preparing for last year.
 Bleeding nose.
Straight head, calm stay, pull in noise a very cold water, where diluted vinegar, or alums, after squeeze nostrils with fingers and  plug  one or both nostrils with cotton.
 And old remedy ,which used for stopping bleeding is small red tape on which attached small iron key , tape is woollen, key is must finding on the spine between shoulder blades, as very best old cure for stopping bleeding. As in author s friend bleeding nose happened on 18 years old, and she displayed within 20 times/day, but official medicine on this time not helped him, And father checked in notebook in his father officer read this cure about, and he also stayed cured for peoples, and remedy helped him.
As in headache use fresh lemon peel on 2 cm in diameter, clean white substance, and to temple apply with wetting side, soon under peel forming a red spot, which will itch and  burn,thus a headache soon stop, like cures like. One hurt is fight other, very old cure. 
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valgasnews · 8 years ago
Herbs are against hypotonia.
A juice of aloe 50 gr, grape wine 500 gr, buckwheat honey 100 gr, mix,warm till 50 C, use on an empty stomach one tea.sp. or dessrt spoon for three times/day. acorus root 2.5 gr, herb oregano 10 gr, herb hypericum perforatum 45 gr, fruits of juniperus 2.5 gr, leaves of mint piperinr 5 gr, plantain big 10 gr, herb of cudweed 5 gr, fruits of cinnamon crataegus 15 gr, leaves of birch ten gr, fragaria berries 5 gr, leaves of nerttle 5 gr, leaves of black currant 5 gr, roots of dandelion 10 gr, horsetail field hertb 5 gr, two tbl.sp. mass adding in glass for hot water, infuse for hour, use one tea.sp, or dessert for a morning and daily time. roots of acorus 2.5 gr, hertb of hypericum perf 45 gr, fruits of frsagaria 5 gr, fr. of juniperus 2.5 gr, herb of yarrow 5 gr, leaves of birch hanging 15 gr, herb of inula helenium 2.5 gr, leaves of fragaria 10 gr, leaves of nettle 10 gr, loeaves of mint piper 2.5 gr, raspberry 5 gr, plantain big 5 gr, cudweed herb ten gr, yarrow herb 5 gr, fruits of hibiscus cinamon ten gr, herb of sandy everlasting ten gr, inula hrelenium 5 gr, herb of hypericum perf 25 gr, root of dandelion 5 gr, herb of tansy 10gr, herb of bitter wormwood 5 gr, chicory herb 5 gr, sage leaves 5 gr, cook,use same. in bottle of vodka ads 500 gr of raisins yellow, 500 gr of honey, mixing, infuse for 6 days dark into, shaking, use one tbl.sp. before meal. oplopanac root 5 gr, fl.chamomile 10 gr, fr. of crataegus red bloody 5 gr, fr.of hibiscus cinnamon 5 gr, herb of hyper.perf. ten gr, ten gr chopped till a powder mass adding in 250 ml. of cold water, infuse for 4 hours, warm,stewing on bath for 15 minutes, not boiling, infuse warm into for hour, use for three times/day, before meal. seeds of china schizandra 5 gr, fl. sandy everlsring ten gr, roots of valeriana ten gr, herb of chelidonius 5 gr, leaves of mint piperine ten gr, archangelica roots 5 gr. ten gr mass adding in 300 ml. of cold water, infuse for 6 hours, lead till boiling, boiling in closing dish for 5 minutes, cool,filter, use on 1/4 glass for 2 times/day, before meal. Herbal bio stimulants are infusion of oplopanac on 40 drops for 3 times/day before meal. aralia same use. eleuterococcus same use. ginseng As on 20 drops for 2 times/day before meal. rhodiola root exst on ten drops till 40 for two times/day before meal. schizandra infusion on 30 drops for three times/day. For normalizing of lowering pressure to rub a top of head till a warm, and on the evening are points under nose over top lips, bending places in ray wrists and top parts of both feet, as for 4 weeks doing everyday. As improving venouse blood current in veins widening as regula doing on the spine lie, are bycicle, scissors, rising legs under streightening corner,after turn on the belly, and with waves to bend and bend out legs are in knees.
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valgasnewsthings · 4 years ago
Stone berry in sugar.
 Sugar add in berries, mix, infuse for ten min, cool, serve in vases.
Glass of berries are 2 tbl.sp. of sugar.
Stone berry with honey.
Add honey in berries, mix, infuse ten min, serve same.
glass of berries are 2 tbl.sp. of honey.
Stone berry with milk.
Add sugar in milk, berries, serve in glasses.
glass of milk are 2 tbl.sp. berries, tea.sp. of sugar.
Stone berry kisel.
Rub berries in dish,dilute starch in glass of water, and chopped mass boil in water for 5 minutes, filter, lead infusion till boiling ,add diluted starch, sugar, lead again till boiling.
Glass of berries are 100 gr of of sugar, 40 gr of potato starch, one l. of water.
Stone berry compote.
Ready berries add in sugar syrup on 50 perc, lead till boiling ,add in scaled jars and cool into to put without additional pasteurization.
one kg of berries are 500 gr of sugar, 2 glasses of water.
Stone berry compote with appples.
Wash berries, clean, clean apples, chop, dilute sugar in water, lead till boiling and a boiling syrup add berries in and apples.Infuse 3 hours ,again lead till boiling and add in ready half. l. of jars,and for a long keping pasteurize in boiling water for 15 min.
One kg of berries are 2 kg of apples, 500 gr of sugar, one l. of water.
Stone berry juice.
Washed berries add in boiling water, cool, rub through sieve. As hard mass to press,add sugar, as 500 gr for one l. of juice, lead till boiling,add in bottles and keep in cool place.
2 kg of berries is one l. of water, 500 gr of sugar.
Stone berry syrup.
In berry juice add sugar, lead till boiling, cool, add in clean bottles. As for keeping close with corks, keep on cold.
one l. of juice is one kg of sugar.
Stone berry jam.
Ready berries add in hot 65 perc. sugar surup, infuse 4 hours, after surup is to detach, cook till a need thick, add in berries,cook on weak fire till ready.
one kg of berries is 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water.
Stone berry water.
Ready berries add in cold boiled water, infuse day, filter, add honey  ,cold,serve. For a keeping such water add in bottles, close with  corks, cool into keep, serve as dessrt to the events.
Stone berry kvas.
Chop berries,add water and boil 5 min, filter,add sugar, mix,cold,add yeasts and put for fermenting for 2 days.
4 glasses of berries is glass of juice, ten gr of yeasts, 3 l. of water.
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valgasnewsthings · 4 years ago
Raisin cooking.
Berries put for 4 sec in 0.5 perc.sol. soda, warmed till 97 C, after right away wash in cold water and put in one row for dry. Dry is on the sun for 20 days, or in oven as on 67C. As on the berries manufactured a hot soda sol. is formed small pores,which are fast humidity remove, but also berries manufacturing in a boiling sol. potash as ten gr, and lime as 5 gr for one l. of water with a following water key washing. Vitamin tea of nettle, raisin, hibiscus. 3 parts of dried hibiscus fruits, part of raisin, 3 parts of nettle leafs, mix, use for cooking of one tbl.sp. in two glasses of the hot water.Boil ten min is on the weak fire, infuse four hours in dark, filter, use 0.5 glass for 3 times a day. Fruit vinegar. Cook of grape, as of apples, and etc fruits, berries. Grape take with water are same, add 100 gr of sugar, and infuse 2 months and filter, and use. Hard garnish to the meat dishes. of 40 gr marinade plums, 40 gr marinade apples, pears are 20 gr, 20 gr of marinade grape. Hard salad of vegetables and fruits. As on the dessrt plate put a hill ,like a melon, shredded, cubes or pieces, around put a salad of white cabbage, marinade beet with liquid marinade, grape, orange pieces.Leafs of green salads decorate.Serve with mayonnaise with fromage or dressing pour-over and fruit juice. 100 gr of salad of white cabbage are 80 gr marinade beet/canned/, 160 gr of melon, 60 gr of grape, 100 gr of orange, 15 gr of grape salad, 150 gr of mayonnaise with fromage, spices. Compote of grape and carrot. Carrot young shred, as cubes, cook in weak sugar syrup, and for a more tender taste a carrot before to scald. And in syrup press juice of lemon, and add peel. When carrot will cook, remove peel, and press juice of orange. Infuse a day, after remove carrot, add in compote dish, decorate big berries of grape green, syrup cook till ready as thickness and pour over a carrot. Manna porridge with raisin and nuts. Boil milk in sugar and vanilla, add 2 tbl.sp. butter oil, add manna, cook her. Add raisin, chopped walnuts.Turn off fire, mix 3 yolks in 0.5 glass of creams and add in cooled on 50 C a porridge.Ready porridge add in a porcelain cup and cold, as overturn dish and pour over a syrup or creams,or serve porridge a hot. Tea cookies. Melted margarine add in sugar powder and eggs. Add sieved flour millet and form pastry. Roll in plates  and cut circles on 3 cm, care put on the form and form with raisin, bake 3 minutes in a middle fire. 1.2 kg of margarine are 4 kg of sugar powder, 4 kg of flour, 3.75 kg of eggs, raisin. Golubtsi  of grape leafs Bolgarian. Scald fresh leafs in pot with water. Shredded carrot, onion fry in vegetable oil.Rice fry too till transparent, add shredded tomatoes and water for rice swelling.Wrap mass in leafs and bake on weak fire,serve with sour milk. 180 gr of rice are 100 gr of carrot, 200 gr of onion, 200 gr of tomatoes, 400 gr of leafs grape.  
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valgasnews · 8 years ago
Herbs are against hypotonia.
A juice of aloe 50 gr, grape wine 500 gr, buckwheat honey 100 gr, mix,warm till 50 C, use on an empty stomach one tea.sp. or dessrt spoon for three times/day. acorus root 2.5 gr, herb oregano 10 gr, herb hypericum perforatum 45 gr, fruits of juniperus 2.5 gr, leaves of mint piperinr 5 gr, plantain big 10 gr, herb of cudweed 5 gr, fruits of cinnamon crataegus 15 gr, leaves of birch ten gr, fragaria berries 5 gr, leaves of nerttle 5 gr, leaves of black currant 5 gr, roots of dandelion 10 gr, horsetail field hertb 5 gr, two tbl.sp. mass adding in glass for hot water, infuse for hour, use one tea.sp, or dessert for a morning and daily time. roots of acorus 2.5 gr, hertb of hypericum perf 45 gr, fruits of frsagaria 5 gr, fr. of juniperus 2.5 gr, herb of yarrow 5 gr, leaves of birch hanging 15 gr, herb of inula helenium 2.5 gr, leaves of fragaria 10 gr, leaves of nettle 10 gr, loeaves of mint piper 2.5 gr, raspberry 5 gr, plantain big 5 gr, cudweed herb ten gr, yarrow herb 5 gr, fruits of hibiscus cinamon ten gr, herb of sandy everlasting ten gr, inula hrelenium 5 gr, herb of hypericum perf 25 gr, root of dandelion 5 gr, herb of tansy 10gr, herb of bitter wormwood 5 gr, chicory herb 5 gr, sage leaves 5 gr, cook,use same. in bottle of vodka ads 500 gr of raisins yellow, 500 gr of honey, mixing, infuse for 6 days dark into, shaking, use one tbl.sp. before meal. oplopanac root 5 gr, fl.chamomile 10 gr, fr. of crataegus red bloody 5 gr, fr.of hibiscus cinnamon 5 gr, herb of hyper.perf. ten gr, ten gr chopped till a powder mass adding in 250 ml. of cold water, infuse for 4 hours, warm,stewing on bath for 15 minutes, not boiling, infuse warm into for hour, use for three times/day, before meal. seeds of china schizandra 5 gr, fl. sandy everlsring ten gr, roots of valeriana ten gr, herb of chelidonius 5 gr, leaves of mint piperine ten gr, archangelica roots 5 gr. ten gr mass adding in 300 ml. of cold water, infuse for 6 hours, lead till boiling, boiling in closing dish for 5 minutes, cool,filter, use on 1/4 glass for 2 times/day, before meal. Herbal bio stimulants are infusion of oplopanac on 40 drops for 3 times/day before meal. aralia same use. eleuterococcus same use. ginseng As on 20 drops for 2 times/day before meal. rhodiola root exst on ten drops till 40 for two times/day before meal. schizandra infusion on 30 drops for three times/day. For normalizing of lowering pressure to rub a top of head till a warm, and on the evening are points under nose over top lips, bending places in ray wrists and top parts of both feet, as for 4 weeks doing everyday. As improving venouse blood current in veins widening as regula doing on the spine lie, are bycicle, scissors, rising legs under streightening corner,after turn on the belly, and with waves to bend and bend out legs are in knees.
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